My Student Years: Aizada Magsumova


Director of the Institute of Aviation, Land Transport and Power Engineering shares his student life memories

Aizada Magsumova is the graduate of the Department of Materials Science and Technology of KAI. Nowadays, she is the director of the Institute of Aviation, Land Transport and Power Engineering:

“I always remember my student years with great pleasure, especially an interaction with my groupmates, living in KAI dormitory, which has been my home for the whole 10 years, and, of course, sleepless nights, working on course projects and preparing for exams. The examination period generally began on January 2 and, therefore, most students did not even go away for New Year’s holiday.


Despite having a large academic workload, my groupmates and I still managed to party in the dormitory premises or go on a camping trip by train to the Mari forests. Our “busy” life outside the walls of the university was envied even by the local Kazan students, therefore they often came to visit our accommodation just to have a glimpse of real dorm life. Up to this day, we all are keep in touch, by arranging meetings and sharing warm memories of our youth.



What would I like to wish our students? Try to take pleasure in learning, really appreciate the time of being a student, because everything goes by so quickly...”


