
KAI enhancing collaboration with Belorussian universities

On May 16, representatives of KNRTU-KAI visited the Belarusian State Aviation Academy and Belarusian National Technical University

The delegation included Rector Dr. Timur Alibaev, Vice-Rector for Education Dr. Roman Moiseev, Advisor to the Rector Prof. Rinat Yusupov, Head of the Department for Educational Projects Prof. Sirena Zaripova, Head of the Department of General Chemistry and Ecology Prof. Yulia Tunakova.

During the visit to the Belarusian State Aviation Academy, represented by its Rector Dr. Artyom Shegidevich, acting Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Dr. Zakhar Masharsky, Director of the Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining Mrs. Maria Zavaley, Head of the Department for Scientific and Technology Dr. Andrey Kulpanovich, acting Head of the Department for Technical Operation of Aviation and Radio-Electronic Equipment Mr. Vadim Kraskovsky, Head of the International Relations Office Mrs. Alina Goncharova, the issue of cooperation in the field of education and science, regarding the training of aviation personnel, was thoroughly discussed. Following the meeting, the parties signed an agreement on implementation of a joint educational program with a degree in Technical Operation of Transport Radio Equipment.

At BSAA, the KNRTU-KAI delegation viewed an exhibition showcasing the academy’s achievements in science and education, observed and tested the Diamond DA-42NG and Boeing 737NG flight simulators.

As part of the visit to the Belarusian National Technical University, represented by its Rector Prof. Sergei Kharitonchik, First Vice-Rector Dr. Georgy Vershina, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Dr. Yuriy Nikolaychik, Dean of the Instrument Engineering Institute Dr. Alexander Svistun, Dean of the Sports and Technical Institute Prof. Ivan Belsky, Dean of the of Mining and Environmental Engineering Institute Dr. Andrey Kologrivko, Dean of the Mechanical Engineering Institute Dr. Andrey Safonov, the parties reached an agreement to develop and establish joint bachelor’s and master’s degree programs, aimed at training of high-tech specialists for knowledge and technology-intensive industries, and also discussed academic exchange and mobility opportunities.

FYI: on April 2, 2021, the agreement on establishing the Russian-Belarusian Institute of Advanced Technologies between KNRTU-KAI, BNTU and BSAA was concluded.
