KAI Developers Presented A Mobile App for The Hearing-Impaired


The program is aimed at helping students from special groups with limited opportunities for hearing in school and job.

The developers from Kazan Teaching Research and Methodological Center for People with Impaired Hearing Health of KNRTU-KAI presented the mobile application which substitutes and significantly expand the opportunities of the extant purpose-designed device - audio-verbal trainer named “Bekar”.

The project was implemented with the grant support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and co-financing of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, said Pavel Nakoryakov, Associate Professor at the Department of Special Technologies in Education at Kazan teaching and research and methodical center.

According to his story, the developers could adapt the trainer software to a smartphone: “We had two important tasks: to put in the application the whole amount of information laid down in the “Bekar” and to transfer the simulator engine to the application. Programmers of the Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security of the University helped us, they successfully solved these tasks.”

The main advantage of the application is that the hearing speech simulator is available to any person with limited hearing capabilities, for this it is enough for him to have a smartphone and special headphones.

With a smartphone, teachers will be able to transmit speech information, audio and video files to students during classes, thus the “feedback” function is implemented. It will also be able to help hearing impaired students respond to classes, simplify communication with others, including employers. For students and employees of KUIMTS KNITU-KAI the application is available absolutely free.
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